How often do you visit your local dental practice? If you cannot remember the last time you were seen by a dentist it is safe to say that you are very possibly overdue for a check-up. So if you are based in Marylebone and have not seen a dentist in a while, why not visit our dental surgery, where you will be seen by our experienced dentist in

An introduction to our dental practice

Plowman & Partners was established in 1922 and our aim over the years has been to provide the best in dental treatments to our new and existing patients. From offering routine dental appointments to highly complex dental treatments, whatever your concerns may be, at our respected practice we will be more than happy to help you achieve your dental goals.

If you have noticed that your gums have become swollen or are bleeding, or you’ve noticed you may have bad breath, it is important that you book an appointment with our dentist in Marylebone.

Dental hygiene at our practice

At our surgery, we are very experienced in dealing with all types of dental concerns, and one of our main focusses for our patients is to ensure that they have good oral hygiene.

Dental hygiene is an important part of dentistry, and our team at the practice is very experienced in providing specialist advice on how to ensure your oral health remains at its best, as well as identifying any concerns relating to your dental hygiene. As we believe prevention is better than cure, we offer a hygiene service to our patients.

If you are a new patient at our practice, we will invite you to have an appointment with our dentist who will carry out a thorough assessment of your teeth and gums, as well as obtaining your medical and dental history. This is important for us as we will need to know whether you have any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your oral health.

At this appointment our dentist in Marylebone will also discuss their findings with you and whether you require any dental treatment. In some cases, you may be referred to our dental hygienist should the dentist identify any hygiene concerns such as plaque build-up.

What to expect at a hygiene appointment

Having a hygiene appointment with us at Plowman & Partners allows our dental hygienist to not only thoroughly clean your teeth, but to help you maintain good oral health.

If it is identified that you have plaque and tartar build-up or your teeth are stained, your teeth will be cleaned using a procedure known as ‘scale and polish’. By using specialised equipment, our dental hygienist is able to gently remove plaque from your teeth, especially areas that are harder to reach in your mouth by brushing alone. Once the plaque/tartar is removed, your teeth will then be polished. Our hygienist will also use this appointment to provide you with techniques on effective brushing and how to maintain good oral health.